Environment policy
Environment policy of Citrus Solutions is focused to that the operation of the company is environmentally friendly, by using non-renewable natural resource and reducing the contamination of air, water and earth. To implement our intentioned in the field of environment protection we:
- identify those aspects of environment that are caused by the company with its operation and determine their influence on the environment to take measures to present or reduce the potential adverse effects on the environment;
- regularly follow and comply with the requirements of external acts regulating the environment, and environmental requirements determined by our customers and suppliers;
- perform the surveillance of service provided by us to ensure the implementation of requirements determined by environment management system and prevent operatively the established lacks;
- choose employees and cooperation partners with relevant qualification and explain our requirements in the field of environment protection;
- analyse our achievements in the field of environment management to set new aims and tasks focused to improvement of environment management system.
Labour Protection Management Policy
- To provide the compliance with external regulating requirements in all company;
- To take care for the employees’ work conditions in order the company activity is taken in a safe environment, not endangering the safety and health of employees;
- To take measures for reduction of possible work environment risk effects, in order to prevent employees’ occupational diseases and accidents at work;
- To analyse efficiency for the implementation of particular labour protection measures, in order to perform improvement of occupational diseases and labour protection systems;
- Employees are encouraged to actively participate in the planning and development of occupational health and safety issues by expressing suggestions, complaints, non-conformities, and indications of opportunities for improvement to company management.